🇪🇸 El Ayuntamiento de Pamplona se hará cargo de la comida y la cena del equipo de los concursantes sólo del día del disparo (para un máximo de 10 personas), mediante un servicio de catering que las llevará a la Ciudadela aproximadamente a las 13h (llevarán la comida y la cena a la vez, así como el desayuno del concursante del día siguiente, que se guardará a parte).

Podrán comer en mesa y sentados, en una de las caternas (sala) donde estarán frescos (en Pamplona en julio hace calor). Las poternas están situadas enterradas bajo la zona de disparo C-6 (de calibres).

Hay baños/retretes.

Se dispondrá de un horno microondas para calentar vuestra comida. Serán platos individuales y la vajilla será desechable.

🇬🇧 The City Council of Pamplona will take care of lunch and dinner of the contestants teams only on the day of his display (for 10 persons maximum), through a catering service that will take them to the Citadel at approximately 13 h (they bring the lunch and dinner at the same time, and the breakfast of the contestant of the next day, that will keep separately).

You can dine at table and sitting on one of the ‘caternas’ (room) where you will be fresh (in Pamplona in July, it tends to be hot). The posterns are situated undergrounded under the C-6 (big shells) shooting area.

There are and bathrooms/WC.

You will have an microwave oven to heat your food. They will be individual dishes and crockery will be throw-away.



1) On the dining room

The water in Pamplona has very good quality and is perfectly drinkable. No one in Pamplona, in his own hauses, uses plastic bottled water, all people drinks tap water, because our water comes from nearby mountain springs. It is common for Pamplona in restaurants to order water jugs from the faucet (instead of bottled water).

So, be quiet for drinking water from the taps in Pamplona.

2) Bottles of water

There will be some bottles (at least one per person), that will arrive whith the catering to the "Poternas" dining room (sited under the C6 area, excavated). This bottles are for carrying to the display areas with you, and for be refilled in the kitchen faucet in the 'poternas' dining room.

No Foreign pyrotechnics or Spanish have ever had any gastric problems (which we know) about drinking from the tap water in Pamplona. Drinking this water is very safe.

Comedor en las poternas

Dinning-room (called ‘poternas’):

Ubicación (bajo la zona C6)
Situation (under the C6 zone)

Ubicación (bajo la zona C6) Situation (under the C6 zone)

Tiene váteres dentro.
There are WC inside.

Tiene váteres dentro. There are WC inside.