Our law says that all the documents that you must sent to us (and that we will send to our superior authorities) must be accompanied by a Spanish language translation. Is not possible doing fireworks in Spain if your documents are only in your own language (in the original language or the documents) nor English. So, we must give your document translated into Spanish.

The law allows doing automatic translation (it does not require sworn translation nor anything special).

So you can choose how translate your documents. In any case, you will be responsible for the correct translation of documents into Spanish.

We offer you this options:

  1. Google Translator for Documents: https://translate.google.es/?hl=es&sl=auto&tl=es&op=docs (see the picture bellow if you do not know how it works).


  2. Deepl (automatic translation service): https://www.deepl.com/translator

  3. Authorize to Mikel Pagola (contact ‘A’ in Contacts) to translate your documents into Spanish with an online document translation service. For that you must to exempt him from any responsibility in this regard. IMPORTANT: The documents must be scanned or digitized as TEXT with possibility of text searching (OCR) not only as picture or flat image.

🇪🇸 Volver a la lista de todos los documentos para españoles: 🇪🇸 Documentación para españoles

🌍 Return to the list of all the documents needed for the foreign companies:

🌍 DOCUMENTS needed by the foreigners (non-Spanish companies)