A1 - Factura del disparo

A2 - Invoice for the show

🇪🇸 Los pagos se harán con presupuestos públicos por parte del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona, por eso te ofrecemos esta información detallada:

🌍 You are going to be paid with public budget money by the City Council of Pamplona, so you need know some things about the payment and they're like that:

🇪🇸 PRESUPUESTO (A1) 🇪🇸 (A2) 🌍 🌍 BUDGET
En caso "A" de empresas de expertos españolas:
NETO: 18.650,00 € 18.650,00 € For foreign companies, applies case "B":
NET. This must be the TOTAL amount of the invoice for non-Spanish companies, all costs included (products, transport, customs, travel, any taxes different to VAT, any private payments to Spanish companies that help you, etc), in a single invoice.
IVA (empresas españolas):
21 % +
3.916,50 € *+
0 €* VAT will NOT be paid for non-Spanish companies, and there are two cases* (see purple text under this table just for your information).
Importe TOTAL a facturar (caso A)
(Este es el importe máximo que se pagará por la factura) =
22.566,50 € =
18.650,00 € TOTAL amount in the invoice (case B).
(This is the maximum amount that will be paid for the invoice)

🇪🇸 Para la factura y el pago mirar el punto “D” de esta página (abajo).

🌍 For the invoice and payment see the subparagraph “D” below in this page.

C - 🇪🇸 Extranjeros / 🌍 Foreigners

🇪🇸 EXTRA POR GASTOS DE VIAJE para extranjeros 🌍 EXTRA FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES for foreign competitor/companies
El Ayuntamiento de Pamplona otorga un pequeño presupuesto extra a los participantes extranjeros, debido, precisamente, a que a ellos les resulta más oneroso acudir hasta Pamplona.

El reparto del presupuesto de gastos será proporcional al kilometraje desde la residencia del diseñador (o de su empresa de disparo) hasta Pamplona, según mediciones públicas por carretera de Mapas de Google.

Este presupuesto no es fijo y, por ahora, varía cada año. Concretamente en 2023 este presupuesto extra para desplazamientos consta de un total de 1.500 € (a repartir entre todos los participantes extranjeros). El reparto concreto se comunicará a los concursantes. | The City Council of Pamplona provides a little extra budget for foreign participants. It is precisely because they find it more onerous to bring their fireworks and team to Pamplona.

The apportionment of the expenses budget will be proportional to the mileage from the residence of the designer (or his company of firing) to Pamplona, according to public measurements by Google Maps road.

This budget is not fixed and for now it varies every year. Specifically in 2023 this extra budget for travel consists of €1,500 (to be distributed to all foreign participants). The specific distribution will be informed to the contestants. |

🌍  [C-2] ⚠️ How will be paid this “C” extra amount for the foreign competitors?

  1. You do not need do an invoice about this extra budget, neither must not be included on the invoice (case B, about your display).
  2. You need keep, scan and send us (to Administration - Contacts cases B and C) the invoices about travels or transports, like: fuel, vans rents, airplane tickets, highway payments, etc. Anyway always keep the originals of the documents or the clear copies till you be paid by the City Council of Pamplona. In any controversial could be the originals be requested.
  3. Your approved total amount is the maximum that you can receive as extra budget for this ‘C’ extra amount for foreign companies. The sum of the different expenses you claim (you send us) must be at least equal or higher of your budget granted ‘C’. See these two next examples:
    1. If you could only prove lower expenses, this lower total amount is what will be paid to you. No the total amount that was approved for you. Ex.: if you have approved €100 and you send us a total valid expense tickets/invoices that sume €50, you only will receive €50 and you will lost the rest of the extra budget ‘C’ that was approved for you.
    2. If you had a higher total expenditures, you only will receive the maximum amount that was approved for you. Ex.: if you had approved €100 too and you send us expenses proves that sume €200, you will receive the same €100 you had approved.

D - Por ayudar a un extranjero 🤝 For helping a foreigner

🇪🇸 Empresas españolas que ayudan a una extranjera

Ver más información sobre esto en el siguiente enlace:

Collaboration of a Spanish company (for foreingers)

Importe (ayuda para gastos)

Esta ayuda sólo se paga a las empresas españolas que den este servicio a empresas extranjeras.

🌍 Spanish companies that help to a foreign company

See more information about this on the following link:

Collaboration of a Spanish company (for foreingers)

Amount (expenditure aid)

This aid only will be paid to the Spanish companies that will help to a foreign companies.

Año/Year: 2022: 250 € + 21% IVA = 302,5 €ii

Año/Year 2023: 400 € + 21% IVA = 484 €ii

Año/Year 2024: 400 € + 21% IVA = 484 €ii (este importe NO se consolida para el futuro, por lo que podría ser diferente en ediciones posteriores).

Cómo facturarlo: