🇪🇸 Españoles. Documentación necesaria para la tramitación de las autorizaciones de disparo ante Delegación del Gobierno

Pincha en el siguiente enlace:


🇪🇸 Documentación para españoles

Según el vigente RAPyC 2015 (Reglamento de Artículos Pirotécnicos y Cartuchería, que en adelante llamaremos simplemente ‘Reglamento’).

🌍 Foreigners. Legal documentation necessary for get the authorization of fireworks displays in Spain for foreign companies

Click the next link:


🌍 DOCUMENTS needed by the foreigners (non-Spanish companies)

The Spanish law in force for fireworks is the 2015 ‘Regulation for Pyrotechnic Articles and Cartridge’, which we say ‘RAPyC’ (according to his original name in Spanish). From this point we will call it simply ‘the law’.


<aside> <img src="/icons/translate_red.svg" alt="/icons/translate_red.svg" width="40px" /> 1. SPANISH TRANSLATION (doc 99). All the documents you provide us must be accompanied by a Spanish language translation. Read more about it here:

99 (f)


<aside> 🖌️ 2. The Spanish law demands a scheme with a “graphical or symbolic representation” of the display (doc 16). See here some examples of what it means here (link):

16 (e)


<aside> 🥵 3. The Spanish law in force for doing fireworks displays by any company (Spanish and foreigners, the same) is not easy: is old-fashioned. But, yes, is little bit harder for foreigners. We'll help you in everything. So be careful, please, on traying to give us just the documents we need when we ask for them. If you think, at some point, that may be you can have any bureaucratic problem with your documentation or if you don't have the exact document we ask for, please inform us about it as soon as you know. Don't wait. Contacto ✉️ Contact
